Vouxu Xeiva

The Golden Fang

Cosmic Warlord

Technomancy Grandmaster

God Emperor of Blood

Vouxu Xeiva

The Golden Fang

Cosmic Warlord

Technomancy Grandmaster

God Emperor of Blood


In this universe vampires had a place to themselves, it was labelled the Blood Isles, home to the hated human clan of eons. Vampires were infamous due to the actions of a few, earning them the bad reputation of extremists, murderers who drank from their human counterparts. Even the other demi humans households shunned them. Thus they were banished from the galaxies of human domain. 
Embracing their cruel fate they transformed the wild and untamed spacial continents of the Aroca Magvar Zone and renamed it the Blood isles. These were gigantic drifting continental plates that spanned the width of the milky way, it drifted in the cosmos, strangely having suitable conditions for living but was still not suitable for the average pure blooded human. 
Millennia upon millennia go by since the establishment of vampire settlement cities on the continent. Development of magic and technology was at an all time high for these Vampires as they lived for centuries away from the conflicts of the human realm. No more humanoids were illegally trafficked or bred like livestock and consumed. Magic that could turn water into wine could easily turn water into blood. Vampires can now be made in test tubes correcting one of the issues Vampires had, a pitifully low population without the regular influx of humans. Funnily enough some humans had begged to be turned in promise of a longer life or seeking asylum. Beasts and titans of the Blood isles with its warped laws and environment were high in blood energies. This  revolutionised a way in which to farm livestock for blood therefore sustaining vampires better than before. The golden age of Vampire kind was flourishing.
With the intergalactic power of vampires rising the relations with their distant human kin were re-established due to their military power. Some dignified households even approached the isles to perform the rituals of bloodline assimilation in search of eternal life.
However like all societies the bad eggs, the radical racial supremists went rogue and created terrorist pirate crews which were funded by dubious sources and supplied with powerful weapons. They preyed on spaceships to kidnap and rear humans. Their reasons? Human blood, it was like an addictive drug which facilitated black market trading. Rumours state that they were actually funded by the Purist Human Association to disrupt relations in a bid to demonise the half bloods while slowly losing control of this terrorist cell. This marked a dirty stain on the already controversial and hated existence of the Vampire race.
In order to curb such evil, the Vampiric society at the time deemed the need of a royal family necessary to take reign over the mega continent. The cities were expanding beyond the realms of countries, no the realm of planets. The bloody baby boom was at an all time high and expansion on the almost endless stretch of land fuelled the ambition of power while living almost endlessly created a frenzy. Vampires truly were becoming to be an almost godlike race only held back by their lacking vitality and heavy reliance on blood farms and vitality drugs. The Royal family scheme was an effort to unite the people and to stop the barbaric blood junkies from initiating a full out war. With time a unified superpower spawned into existence.
Just as the situation was settling for the vampires an unexpected event took place, an intriguing twist of fate. Mythical beings, golden dragons or rather demi humans with draconic blood from a distant galaxy appeared en masse. These individuals were fleeing their ancestral homes much like the vampires of the past. They were outcast by a pure human rebellion due to their arrogant dictatorship.  As exiled rulers they sought to claim the Blood Isles as their own. Their eyes gleamed with greed and astonishment as the endless plain was covered in high level architecture and abundant resources. their arrogance and power looked down on the puny little vampires before them. They hoped to establish themselves by ransacking the foundation these vampires built and even enslaving them as a subordinate race.
Much to their dismay the blood in them caused a crazed frenzy. Even with their overpowered abilities to morph into giant ravenous dragons the opposition was feisty. The Vampires proved fearsome, like crazed mosquitos they fought the large slender golden beings, painting the isles golden red. Wars waged as these demi human clans fought for supremacy on the Blood Isles. The pure blooded humans rejoiced the fate of what they deemed dirty blooded outcasts. Very much glad that these hybrid freaks were extinguishing themselves they cackled in Schadenfreude.
However unexpectedly a treaty was signed, vampires and dragons lived long lives and with that came wisdom and foresight. During the war of blood and attrition, they realised the bloodshed only benefited those purebloods that cast them out, it all seemed pointless. 
With the treaty of Mavard the vampire princess was to wed the dragon prince as a show of solidarity and peace. This was quite odd though as Vampires seldom marry.
Soon after unexpected news had arrived, the following event alarmed the kingdoms, no the whole universe. It was known that dragons are sexual in nature creating plentiful offspring from many different races and creatures. It is also known that vampires are the most seductive but cannot birth children easily. The revelation before them didn’t make sense. An impossible feat of the budding love between two wholly incompatable beings.
The Vampire princess had given birth to a child. A child of Dragon and Vampire. A natural born vampire, an irregularity but not unheard of. However, a Vampiric Dragon? That was a first of its kind. The universe had never seen such a being.
The isles went mad in fervor a new King had been born, the ultimate being was upon them. Vampire and Dragon traits on paper complimeted eachother, negating racial traits that were deemed negative. This created a perfect blend, a crazy coincidence.
The univeese was basking in the emergence of its chosen son a blessing of mana and lightning descended on the newborn bestowing the surname. “Xeiva”. The universe had ordained its chosen, a small child chosen to inherit the universe, chosen by destiny to become the conqueror of worlds.
With that the Vampire and Dragon named their son, Vouxu.
Vouxu Xeiva the Vampiric Dragon , the Emperor of Envyxia. With countless more titles to come, he is destined to battle against the many, battle against the beyond. To rule over all, as the God Emperor of Blood.
As word spread and tall tales told, many bloodlines gathered and intertwined. No longer just a nation of Vampire and Dragons. They accepted all forms of demi human bloodlines thus starting the assimilation of Dragons, Phoenixes, Vampires, Lycans, Elves, Fairies, Merfolk, Demons, Angels and many many more. 
The Empire, Envyxia was established to rule the stars! The fate of the world was set but those in fear weren’t of this world, no those who feared were the observers from universes afar. Prophesies detailing the coming of the red tide drummed endlessly into the hearts of all beings, mortal, immortal and godly.